Salvia Bianca Sciamanica ( Salvia Apiana )

Shamanic White Sage ( Salvia Apiana )

White sage is a medicinal plant that has been used for centuries by many shamanic cultures for spiritual and healing purposes. It is traditionally burned to purify space, people and objects, to promote healing and to connect with the spiritual world.

In shamanism, white sage is considered a sacred plant. It is associated with purity, healing and knowledge. Its smoke is believed to have the power to purify negative energy and promote communication with spirits.

White sage is used in a variety of shamanic practices, including:

  • Purification: White sage is burned to purify space, people and objects. Its smoke is believed to have the power to eliminate negative energies and create a sacred environment.
  • Healing: White sage is used to promote physical, emotional and spiritual healing . Its smoke is believed to have the power to open energy channels and promote the circulation of vital fluids.
  • Spiritual Awakening: White sage is used to help people get in touch with their spiritual world. It is believed that its smoke can promote vision and shamanic journeys.

Here are some ways white sage is used in shamanic practices:

  • Burned in a Brazier: White sage is burned in a brazier to create a sacred smoke. The smoke is then used to purify space, people and objects.
  • Used as a fumigant: White sage is ground and made into a fine powder. This powder is then used to create a sacred smoke.
  • Used in an incense: White sage is combined with other herbs and resins to create a sacred incense. This incense is then burned to purify space, people and objects.

White sage is a powerful plant that can be used in a variety of ways for spiritual and healing purposes. If you are interested in shamanism, white sage is an important herb to know about.

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